
Out Of The Box - Comics Magazine

Created by Out of the box Comics Anthology

A comic book magazine about Aliens, Horror, Mongols, Monsters, Trips, Sci-Fi, Shamans, Space, Spirituality, Spies, Tesla, Western...

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update of love <3
over 2 years ago – Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 06:22:26 PM


Seems like OOTB#1 will have a nice foreword by a certain writer... But you probably never heard of him...

Yep. THAT Mike Carey.

We already have 2 out of 4 "comic relief" pages ready... but we won't spoil them, except for this:

All main artists are working hard and we are still IN the deadlines. Don't worry if you see some low %; as we speak we should be able to deliver the book around April and possibly print before summer, as predicted during the campaign.

We are also still working on the shipping rates: GOOD NEWS! We should be able to provide better prices than the ones predicted in the Kickstarter table, for readers outside Italy!

Italian readers already have a good shipping rate, but we MAY be able to lower that one too.

We are trying to understand the last few procedures, and after that, we'll finally open the pledge manager, where you'll be able to pay the shipping and update your order (if you want) with additional copies, merchandising and artists' commissions. This should be happening during march.

That's it for this month! Stay great and always out of the box! ;)



Sembra che OOTB#1 avrà una simpatica prefazione di un certo scrittore... Ma probabilmente non ne avete mai sentito parlare...

Eh già. QUEL Mike Carey.

Abbiamo già pronte 2 su 4 delle pagine "comic relief"... ma non ve le spoileriamo, a parte per questo:

Tutti i disegnatori principali stanno lavorando sodo e siamo ancora ENTRO le deadlines. Non vi preoccupate delle % basse; al momento dovremmo essere in grado di finire il libro intorno ad aprile, e possibilmente stamparlo prima dell'estate, come previsto durante la campagna.

Stiamo anche lavorando sui costi di spedizione. Per l'Italia abbiamo già ottimi prezzi, ma POTREMMO essere in grado di abbassarli ulteriormente.

Stiamo cercando di capire le ultime procedure, e dopo di questo apriremo finalmente il pledge manager, dove potrete pagare le spese di spedizione e migliorare il vostro ordine (se volete) con copie aggiuntive, merchandising e commissioni degli artisti. Questo dovrebbe avvenire durante marzo.

Ed è tutto per questo mese! State al meglio, e sempre fuori dalla scatola! ;)


Proofreaders wanted!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 05:07:50 AM

Hi everyone!

Hope you all had wonderful festivities and a good start of the year!

This is the year of OUT OF THE BOX, and it's under the sign of the Tiger in the chinese zodiac: a symbol of strength, exorcising evils, and braveness! The perfect sign for us! :D

We are all working hard to finalize the first issue, we are on time on our original schedule, and above all we hope to have a PREVIEW COPY ready before February!

What's a preview copy?

It's the FULL COPY of the book (minus the "comic reliefs" and the extra pages), but with work-in-progress version of the arts. Some will be more defined, some will be just rough sketches (it depends on the work-flow of the artist), but they will be all lettered, so they are FULLY READABLE.

Want to be credited as proofreader on OOTB?

If your MAIN AND NATIVE LANGUAGE IS ENGLISH, either UK or US, and YOU DON'T MIND SPOILERS, write us at [email protected], with subject "I want to be a proofreader!"

As soon as is ready, you'll receive a PDF with the comic, that you'll have to... well proofread through. :D Then you'll have to send us a report with all the typos, misprints and errors of any kind that you'll possibly find.

For this service, you will be credited in the final english version of the comic... and you'll have a chance to take part in a real work in progress of a comic book, too!

A glimpse of the second issue? :O

We are happy to announce our second cover artist: VINCENZO PUGLIA! Follow him on his Instagram!

Vincenzo has prepared three sketches for OOTB#2, which is centered on The Copper Roll. Which one do you like the most? And which one do you think we chose? :) Tell us in the comments!

Happy festivities + a small GIFT!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 02:48:08 PM

Hello dear backers!

I hope you are all right!

We are continuing working on our comics, but we don't want to spoil too much every month, so for this December update, just look at this:

Fancy, isn't it? 8)

It's still too soon for fairs and exhibitions, but we are planning ahead and we wanted to have this whim :P

The rollup is HUGE and the artwork by Sara "Sbilemi" Marino wonderful as always, so it makes a really good presence! Hope to see you soon in flesh and bones!

CHRISTMAS GIFT by Space Otter & DecKreative!

As you may already know, Out Of The Box is now published under Space Otter Publishing label.

We already told you about Space Otter's next project - DecKreative - now we are gifting you a PRINT&PLAY DEMO DECK of 10 cards, so you can try it out BEFORE ANYONE ELSE, and maybe tell us how did you use it!

You can download it on Boardgamegeek at this link!

If you are a site member, please vote the file and become a fan of DecKreative and Space Otter too! ^_^

With all our hearts,


We'll see you in 2022!

Rainy autumn update
over 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 11:10:04 PM

ITALIANO IN FONDO, ma guardate pure i disegnini mentre scrollate!

Helloooo friends! Hope you are all well! How's the weather there? Here in Italy we are having a rainy autumn, so I'm writing with wet fingers :v

FIRST OF ALL: we've opened the preview page for ISSUE #2! Yeeeh! It's too very soon to talk about that, but it's never too soon to raise the followers counter! :D So click on the image below and then on "Notify me on launch"!

Now, some BEAUTY. Here's Giulia D'Urso on Project Hummingbird.

Yeah, that's a full page, but don't get used to them, or you won't have anything to read when we'll be done :P

Here's the work of Zeno Colangelo on The Copper Roll (ink only for now).

And of course Marta Zaccarini on The turquoise wolf and the fawn doe.

Last but not even remotely least, Elisa Di Virgilio and Eleonora Dea Nanni have started working these days on Ghost Dance and The old man and the Treasure of Treasures.

Even sketched, Castor is quite imposing, isn't he?

A note about the production: we are giving priority to finalize the COMPLETE STORYBOARD for every story. That way, we can procede to an initial lettering and PROOFREADING.

Would you be interested in reading the complete issue #1 in advance, with rough sketches? 

If your first language is english and you don't mind spoilers, WRITE US! [email protected]

Now, here's a scheme with the overall progress of issue #1 and even #2!

  • As you can see, some titles are a little bit ahead of others, but generally speaking, we are totally aligned with the original timeline on the campaign.
  • We are aiming to have every story completed by March, work on design and pre-printing by April/May, and print by May/June. Hopefully we'll be able to start shipping before summer, or September if we'll be late.
  • For issue #2, we are planning to have the scripts ready by March; that way, artists should be able to begin working on issue #2 BEFORE the launch of the next campaign! 
  • We are aiming to continuously produce new OOTB stuff and publish two issues per year. It won't be easy, and we'll absolutely NEED YOUR HELP in the next campaign, so don't forsake us now! 
  • We'll try and keep you updated about once per month, but if you want always fresh news and curiosities, remember to JOIN SPACE OTTER FACEBOOK GROUP! Click here! 
  • Also remember to DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE PRINT&PLAY OOTB CARD GAME! Why wouldn't you?! Read update #21 for further infos!

That's it for now! Take care and hear you soon!



Ciao compatrioti! :D Spero stiate bene e vi stiate godendo questo BELLISSIMO clima piovoso (no, non sono ironico per niente ghgh).

Senza stare a rimettervi le bellissime tavole che trovate sopra, riassumo le varie comunicazioni:

  • È già online la pagina preview del prossimo capitolo! Non è mai troppo presto per raccogliere campanelle, quindi cliccate subito QUI e poi sul tastone verde "Notificami al lancio"!
  • Riguardo la produzione: siamo allineati con la Timeline pubblicata sulla campagna, e stiamo dando precedenza al completamente degli STORYBOARD di OGNI storia. In questo modo possiamo letterare il tutto e passare al proofreading dei testi, oltre a poter mandare copie in anteprima a redattori e simili. Trovate poco sopra la tabellina con i progressi delle varie storie.
  • Contiamo di avere tutte le storie finite per marzo, lavorare su impaginazione e preparazione alla stampa tra aprile e maggio, e stampare tra maggio e giugno. Se tutto va bene, forse saremo in grado di iniziare a spedire prima dell'estate, o settembre al più tardi.
  • Riguardo il secondo numero, dovremmo avere le sceneggiature finite per marzo, in modo da far lavorare i disegnatori in modo continuativo senza aspettare l'esito della seconda campagna. Miriamo a pubblicare due numeri l'anno. Non sarà facile, e avremo ASSOLUTAMENTE bisogno del vostro aiuto per la prossima campagna. Non abbandonateci adesso!
  • Cercheremo di tenervi aggiornati circa una volta al mese, ma se volete stare sempre sul pezzo, ricordatevi di entrare nel GRUPPO FACEBOOK DI SPACE OTTER! Cliccate qua! 
  • Ricordatevi anche potete SCARICARE GRATUITAMENTE la vostra copia Print&Play del GIOCO DI CARTE DI OOTB! Perché non dovreste farlo?! Leggete l'aggiornamento #21 per dettagli più precisi!

Questo è quanto! State bene e ci sentiamo presto!


September update!
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Sep 09, 2021 at 05:32:20 AM



We spent lots of efforts on it, and we are really looking forward to your feedback!

Remember: you'll find the link to download it in the KICKSTARTER PRIVATE MESSAGE.

PS: That strip is also a preview of a new page by Zeno Colangelo for The Copper Roll. ;)

Do you like previews? But you don't like spoilers, right? So, that's complicated. Let's see...

That's really the best we can do, sorry.

Yeah, that's Project Hummingbird by Giulia D'Urso.

Probably next month Eleonora and Elisa will also start working on The Old Man and on Ghost Dance.

Oh, and I (Francis) also started writing The old man Issue 2!

You already knew about Tesla... but who is that "Samuel" guy? :O

Well... That's it for this month... but I leave you this sweet artwork by our amazing Marta Zaccarini. It's not from "Wolf and Doe" comic, it's free of charge! :D


- No, non abbiamo ancora provato il gioco di carte di OOTB. - ... COSA?


Ci abbiamo impiegato un sacco di sforzi per realizzarlo, e non vediamo l'ora di avere i vostri pareri!

Ricordate: troverete il link per scaricarlo nei MESSAGGI PRIVATI DI KICKSTARTER.

PS: questa striscia sopra è anche un'anteprima di una nuova tavola di Zeno Colangelo per Il Rotolo di Rame. ;)

Vi piacciono le anteprime? Ma non gli spoiler, giusto? Diventa complicato. Vediamo...

È il meglio che possiamo fare, sorry.

Sì, è Progetto Colibrì di Giulia D'Urso.

Il mese prossimo probabilmente Eleonora ed Elisa potranno cominciare a lavorare su "Il Vecchio" e Ghost Dance.

Ah, e io (Francis) ho anche cominciato a scrivere il secondo numero del "Vecchio"!

Sapevate già di Tesla... ma quel "Samuel" chi sarebbe? :O

Bene, è tutto per questo mese... Ma vi lascio con il dolcissimo artwork realizzato dalla nostra eccezionale Marta Zaccarini, che vedete sopra. Non è una tavola de "Il lupo e la cerva", lo offre la casa! :D
