
Out Of The Box - Comics Magazine

Created by Out of the box Comics Anthology

A comic book magazine about Aliens, Horror, Mongols, Monsters, Trips, Sci-Fi, Shamans, Space, Spirituality, Spies, Tesla, Western...

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Approaching last 24 hours, another Stretch Goal crushed!
about 3 years ago – Sun, May 02, 2021 at 10:01:42 PM

🇮🇹 Scorri giù per l'italiano

Aaand... you got Daw!

Congratulations! You will REGRET it! >: D

Now: SHARE THIS POST 100 TIMES and get the "In the next issue" panels Stretch Goals for free, so we can focus the last hours of the campaign on unlocking another precious guest artist, from Japan:  Keigo aka K5Fuwa!

Last chance for "Get IN the box" perk!

Only 5 left! Don't you want to be in one of our stories? Come on! It's now or never!

Also, Commission slots for all our artists are available!

Manage your pledge here.

Our Fanart Challenge is still active!

You don't need to be an artist to partecipate in our Fanart Challenge! Just draw one of our characters, post it on Facebook or Instagram, tag us (@ootbcomics) and use the hashtag #ootbfanartchallenge

We will choose 3 winners who will receive a copy of the book!

Look how cool!

  • One-Eyed Jack

Felipe Cagno is a Kickstarter master, and the author of the gorgeus The Few and Cursed.

Now he's back with the second (and first, of course) issue of One-Eyed Jack, a thrilling graphic novel about the Las Vegas shooting in 2017 written by CSI creator Anthony E. Zuiker.

They already smashed the goal with more than 300 backers, so... 

Get onboard now!

  • SCP-5000 WHY

The SCP Foundation has preserved The Veil for ages and maintained The Mission. To Secure anomalies, Contain them, and Protect humanity.

What exactly is the reason 'WHY' the SCP Foundation has turned against humanity and unleashed the horrors it once Contained? Is this related to the actions of SCP-049? Or is this the very same reason SCP-682 finds humanity so 'disgusting'? 

SCP-5000 WHY The Graphic Novel won't answer every question you may have about this mysterious series of events, but you will see everything much clearer so you can investigate for yourself. 

Maybe YOU will solve the mystery!

  • Arks

Arks is a diamond-hard sci-fi/police procedural set in the garden of Eden.
If you loved Dark Horse’s Aliens comics from the 90’s, Seven and Jurassic Park are on your favourite movie list, then this comic will blow you away.

'Out of this world' - Pipedream Comics
'Spectacular & Jaw-Dropping. A must read' - Shattered Glass Comic Reviews
'Back This! Adam and Eve meets Ridley Scott's Alien' - The PullBox

Back it now!


Aaand... you got Daw!

Congratulazioni! Ve ne PENTIRETE! >: D

Adesso: CONDIVIDETE QUESTO POST 100 VOLTE e sbloccheremo lo Stretch Goal delle vignette "Nel prossimo numero" gratis, così possiamo concentrarci, nelle ultime ore di campagna, sullo sbloccare un altro prezioso guest artist, dal Giappone: Keigo aka K5Fuwa!

Ultima occasione per avere la ricompensa "Get IN the box"!

Ne sono rimaste solo 5! Non volete diventare parte di una delle nostre storie? Daje! È ora o mai più!

Inoltre, ci sono ancora dei posti disponibili per Commission da ognuno dei nostri artisti!

Gestite il vostro contributo qui.

La nostra Fanart Challenge è ancora attiva!

Non serve essere degli artisti per partecipare alla nostra Fanart Challenge! Disegnate uno dei nostri personaggi, postatelo su Facebook o Instagram, taggateci (@ootbcomics) e usate l'hashtag #ootbfanartchallenge

Sceglieremo 3 vincitori che riceveranno una copia del libro!


Less than 60 hours left! IT'S THE FINAL MADNESS!
about 3 years ago – Sat, May 01, 2021 at 10:07:37 PM

🇺🇸 Scroll down for english!

Ultime 60 ore e spicci!

Dopo quasi 20 giorni di campagna, vi assicuro che si arriva stressatelli! :D

La mente comincia a fare brutti scherzi, e saltano fuori iniziative che successivamente si rivelano deleterie, tipo questa:


Cosa dovete fare?

  • Prima di tutto, raggiungere lo Stretch Goal di Daw. Mancano poco più di 200€! 
  • Poi (o nel frattempo) condividere QUESTO POST almeno 100 volte. 

Anche privatamente con i vostri amici, e ognuno di voi può condividerlo più volte nei vari gruppi di cui è membro (specialmente di fumetti, ovviamente).

Se ci riuscirete entro la fine della campagna (mezzanotte di lunedì 3 maggio), vi REGALEREMO il settimo Stretch Goal, ovvero le vignette "Nel prossimo capitolo" alla fine di ognuna delle 5 storie. Andremo così a lavorare direttamente su quello successivo, che è la collaborazione di K5Fuwa, di cui vi lascio un assaggino.

🇺🇸 Last 60 hours and something!

After almost 20 days of campaign, I assure you that you will come stressed! :D

The mind starts to make bad thoughts, and comes up with initiatives that later turn out to be deleterious, like this:

We’ll give you a stretch goal for free!

What do you have to do?

  • First of all, reach the Daw’s Stretch Goal. Only 200€ left! 
  • Then (or in the meantime) share THIS POST at least 100 times. 

Even privately with your friends, and each of you can share it several times in various groups of which you are a member (especially about comics, of course).

If you succeed by the end of the campaign (midnight on Monday, May 3), we will GIVE you the seventh Stretch Goal: the "In the next chapter" panels at the end of each of the 5 stories. So we will work directly on the next one, which is the collaboration of K5fuwa, of which you can see a glimpse above.

Look how cool!

Today's worthy projects!

  • The Amazing Adventures of Bart Bartson & Demolition Dinosaur

Newly orphaned Bart Bartson escapes into his imagination to find the tools to persevere and acquires a T-Rex sidekick along the way. Together, the two adventure, swashbuckle, and defend a Venusian Queen from an army of toad monsters.

This is a story of overcoming trauma through imagination. And dinosaurs. And ray guns. Think Calvin and Hobbes meets Pan’s Labyrinth.

Enter Bart's imagination!

  • The Saturn Effect: Alpha #1-2

The Saturn Effect is a growing connected sci-fi universe and webcomic witha full, awesome saga that connects various stories! They are almost fully funded!

Check it out and give them a hand!

  • Pass Me By: Electric Vice

A queer love story set in Ed’s memories as a young man in the 1970s touring with the outrageous glam rock band, Electric Vice. Exploring love, heartache, music, and self-discovery; we find what is lost as Ed's dementia progresses in the present.

Take out your walkman and pledge!


5 goals done and 4 days left!
about 3 years ago – Sat, May 01, 2021 at 01:12:10 PM

🇺🇸 Scroll down for english!

Copertina morbida sbloccata!

Certo che vi piace parecchio la soft cover, eh? Ci siamo arrivati piuttosto velocemente, e adesso Out Of The Box sarà un libro morbidoso e pacioccoso con cui potrete coccolarvi!

Ma non fermatevi ora! Avete BISOGNO di Daw

Il prossimo Stretch Goal è una pagina di intermezzo di DAW!

Avete BISOGNO di Daw. Non lo sapete ancora, ma ne avete bisogno. Fidatevi.

4 giorni rimasti! Non esitate!

Possiamo ancora sbloccare un sacco di Stretch Goal, incluse le collaborazioni con Safely Endangered e Kent Williams!

Fatevi un regalo con un Addon, e ricordate che le Commission sono ancora disponibili per tutti i nostri artisti!

Interviste con it.Comics e Lo spazio bianco

Ecco due pregiatissime interviste! Una scritta, molto tecnica per chi è curioso dell'organizzazione dietro Out Of The Box, con Simone Rastelli de Lo Spazio Bianco, e una trasmessa in diretta ieri su tutti i canali di It.Comics, che ringraziamo profondamente!


Soft Touch Cover unlocked!

You really loved the soft cover, uh? We achieved that quite fast, and now Out Of The Box will be a softy velvet book that you could cuddle with!

Don't stop now! You NEED Daw!

But don't stop, because the next Stretch Goal is a Comic Relief page by DAW!

You NEED Daw. You don't know it yet, but you need him. Trust us.

4 Days left! Don't hesitate!

With only 4 days of campaign left, don't hesitate now! We can still unlock lots of Stretch Goals, including Safely Endangered and Kent Williams collaboration!

Treat yourself with an Addon, and remember that Commisions are still available for all of our artists!

Look how cool!

Today's greatest Comics Kickstarters are:

  •  Kia Wordsmith - The Inbetween - ENDING IN 31 HOURS! HURRY!

Kia Wordsmith lives in city where Magic and Science work in harmony, a city that has known peace for centuries. A city now at war.

Bored by the city's attempts to carry on as normal, whilst its soldiers and mages wage war, Kia searches for excitement, and even welcomes a little danger.

Catch up with this magic world!

  • Coffee House of Doom

Welcome to the Coffee House of Doom!

We’re serving up hot, steaming cups of dark roast horror to YOU, our adoring public! We’ll be energizing your souls with tales of suspense, sacrifice, and shadows, then sweetening the pot with murder, mystery and mayhem in a 36-page horror anthology for young adult readers.

What price would you pay for your daily dose?

What are the limits of personal space in a public establishment?

And what do otherworldly creatures brew at the bottom of the sea?

Coffee House of Doom answers these questions and more with its shocking lineup of benthic terrors, soul-sucking wizards, and bodily transmutation.

Make your order here!

  • Inferno Girl Red

Well... From MARVEL ULTRAMAN writer you can only expect a great success, especially when it's drawn by someone like Erica D'Urso (Captain Marvel)! Erica is a friend of Out Of The Box, since she worked with two of our authors: Elisa Di Virgilio and Matteo Parisi. Her work has always been amazing, and IGR is nothing less, already awarded with a 57+K goal and 1200+ backers!

IGR is an all-new original graphic novel that combines the high school super-heroic drama of ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN, the dynamic storytelling and world-building of Japanese tokusatsu superheroes, and the intrigue and relationship drama of boarding school fiction-- to tell a story about hope in the face of darkness, and action in the face of apathy!

Make it yours now!


3 days left, and Senghee get naked!
about 3 years ago – Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 02:48:29 PM

🇺🇸 Our Marta promised us to strip Senghee naked if we reached the Soft Touch Cover Stretch Goal... and we did, so here's the HOT STRIP!

🇮🇹 La nostra Marta aveva promesso di farci vedere Senghee nudo se avessimo raggiunto lo Stretch Goal della copertina morbida... e l'abbiamo fatto, quindi ecco la STRISCIA CALDA!

Look how cool

  • Harker - The Book of Solomon #2

Steve Tanner is a NAME in the UK indie comics world! He's the mastermind behind LOTS of projects with Time Bomb Comics, and we are lucky to be his friends! 

Harker - The Book of Solomon is the second and last issue of a thrilling crime series - a unique homage to classic tv detective shows, filled with humour, wit, adventure and devil worshippers.

And here's Francis with his copies of the amazing BRAWLER anthologies!

Go and get both issues!

  • KOKOU - The World's First BONZO Graphic Novel!

In Out of the box we love to explore all world's cultures and mythologies, so we immediately fell in love with this project!

KOKOUis a dark fantasy comic aimed at adults, and is deeply rooted in African mythological traditions from all over the continent, representing legends and stories from Kanuri, Fula, Hausa, Yoruba, Edo, Arab, Berber, Oromo and Amahara, all in the context of a single quest for power, meaning, and inner strength.

It is penned by acclaimed writer Ziki Nelson, creator of Disney's upcoming series Iwájú.

Don't miss it!

  • GRAY - Graphic Novel & Audiodrama

"The picture of Dorian Grey" is one of our most beloved novel ever... and we suspect we are not the only ones :P

This Gray, however, is a violent criminal in NYC. She’s also an immortal creature of magic.

GRAY is a radical rework of the classic Oscar Wilde novel; a supernatural revenge thriller about a beautiful, debauched and dangerous woman, and her mission of retribution.

The Prodigal Entertainment team is also kickstartering their first AUDIO DRAMA!

They also have quotes by Diablo Cody and Mike Carey, what can we say more?!

Look in the mirror and pledge!


Altra intervista oggi ore 18:00!
about 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 04:24:38 PM

🇺🇸 Scroll down for english

Fabio Ramacci ci intervista per It.Comics oggi alle 18:00!

Oggi pomeriggio saremo ospiti de "LA WEB ZONE di MASTRO KICK", condotta dal collega Fabio Ramacci per It.Comics! Iscrivetevi al canale Youtube e rimanete sintonizzati sui nostri social o quelli di It.Comics per il link!

A un passo dalla Copertina Soft Touch!

Mancano solo 126€ per sbloccare la copertina morbidosa! Sicuri che non vi va di ordinare una bella Commission? 😏

Vi ricordo che dopo la copertina, c'è Daw da sbloccare! Ecco un altro assaggino:

🇺🇸 A step away from the Soft Touch Cover!

Only 126€ left to unlock that softy squishy cover! Are you SURE you don't want to order a nice Commission? 😏

After the cover, we'll have to unlock Daw! Here's another glimpse:

Look how cool!

  • The Surgeon #4

Set about 15 years after the world fell apart, a nomadic physician struggles to survive in a savage frontier of the poor and powerless, trying to balance her calling as a healer with the necessity of killing for survival. As a consequence, maybe she's become more skilled with her saber than she is with a scalpel, and she's trying to get out from under that reputation.

As Out Of The Box, we love it when you can see a real human story behind the setting and the genre. The Surgeon really looks the kind of story that we would gladly have on our magazine, so:

Click here to support it!

  • Monster Matador - Complete 3-issues story!

Well, the title is amazingly self-explanatory and we IMMEDIATELY pledged, but if you want to know more...

Monster Matador is a delightfully demented Kaiju throw-down that follows Matador Ramon Alejandro Estévez Guerrero as he travels a post-apolcalyptic future to fight monsters and make a better world for his daughter.

Take your red cape and flap it here!

  • Witch Creek Road - Collected edition

Ah! We failed to promote Garth's campaign while it was on... But if you failed to pledge it on Kickstarter, luckily there's a Late Pledge and a Pre-Order option available, including the wonderful "Yearbook edition"!

Witch Creek Road follows a group of high school seniors who, after taking a wrong turn, find themselves in the midst of a summoning-gone-wrong. At its core, it's survival horror, but it's also a story about love, acceptance, death and revenge. And sexy, flesh-eating demons. Because every story needs sexy, flesh-eating demons.

Click the red button on the KS page and follow istructions to Pre-Order!
